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Maybe I'm becoming the 'cat lady.'

I’ve been single for a while. And when I say single, I mean SINGLE. I haven’t dated, “talked”, hooked up, or done anything romantic with anyone for more time than I want to calculate! While there are certainly times I certainly wish I was with someone, I’ve been pretty happy being single, though at times I wonder if I am destined to become the crazy cat lady? It seems like being single for any extended period of time for a woman is like a death sentence, and you’re destined to be an old hag, a spinster or a crazy cat lady. Come on, I'm not that old but relatives often bring up how I should be married by now (to whom, I wonder). I’m not ready for marriage, and I’m honestly not even really ready for a long-term relationship at this point in my life. I’ve been so focused on getting my career  back on track, and now I finally have that stable job, I don’t see myself hopping into a relationship. I want to LIVE. I’m not saying that people in relationships aren’t liv...

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